Where to have breakfast in Lviv, TOP-5 establishments

235 Where to have breakfast in Lviv, TOP-5 establishments


Lviv is a tourist city, which is rich in places of rest. But don't forget about food, that's why the best places in the city where you can eat deliciously. Establishments where you can have breakfast in Lviv in the morning:

1. Italian cuisine restaurant "Valentino"

Туристи й городяни можуть замовити сніданок в невеличкому, затишному куточку Італії – ресторані «Валентино», розташованому в старовинній будівлі, неподалік від площі «Ринок». В закладі італійська розкіш й аристократизм гармонійно переплітаються з галицьким колоритом. Ресторан оздоблено деревиною й автентичними гобеленами. Тут можна побачити мармурові сходи й підлогу, ковану огорожу й квіти в горщиках, дзеркало в рамці із бронзи та ефектні шпалери, венеціанські люстри із муранського скла й предмети антикваріату, репродукції відомих полотен і м’які дивани, килими ручної роботи та, розписані фресками, стіни. Заклад починає працювати о восьмій годині ранку. В меню ресторану представлено авторську кухню Рафаелле Мартеллі – повара родом із Італіі. Крім італійських, тут можна скуштувати страви центральноєвропейської, української та середземноморської кухні. Також в ресторані розроблено окреме меню для вегетаріанців.

In the morning, you can drink a cup of aromatic coffee in the restaurant, sitting at a small table in one of the quiet corners. In the summer, we recommend going up to the terrace, which offers a gorgeous view of the morning, sleepy Lviv. For breakfast in the restaurant, you can order milk, sour milk and meat dishes, including steamed ones, as well as oatmeal, eggs, toast, homemade pate, pancakes (with meat or sweets), carrot cake, meringue, brownies, yogurts, various pastries. four types of cheese, cold cuts, fruits and vegetables. Those guests of the establishment who choose the buffet, which costs 300 hryvnias. they will also offer a glass of champagne on the weekend, and a bartender who has completed barista courses will prepare coffee for you, so he will definitely prepare it for you professionally and with love. By the way, you can order a few cups of coffee, two or three, as much as you like and how much you usually drink in the morning.
Breakfast time: from 8:00 to 11:00
Working hours: Monday - Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m
Address: Lviv, Ostap Nyzhankivskogo street, building 20

2. Atelier 19

The establishment is located in the very center of the city on Staroyevreyska Street, 19 and has already become famous thanks to the pizza that is prepared here from Italian flour on sourdough in a real wood-fired oven. Here you can also try a large Italian breakfast, which is served from 11:00 to 13:30.

3. Cafe "Sugar"

You can try cappuccino with salted caramel, taste delicious MFM Burger and Bad Boy Burger with juicy cutlets, cheese, vegetables and buns of our own production, as well as pancakes with various fillings for breakfast at the Tsukor restaurant. There are also delicious cream soups on the restaurant menu, of which there are several, but one is always available - you should check with the waiter.


Де шукати: вул. Братів Рогатинців, 21

4. Bachevsky restaurant

The restaurant delights with a huge selection of liqueurs and tinctures of its own production (more than 80 types), as well as new Galician cuisine. The famous Lviv chef Oleksandr Chernyshenko works on traditional recipes of Galicia in order to create dishes with a unique taste and presentation based on them. The service introduced by the restaurant deserves special attention - unlimited breakfast in the format of the Swedish line for a nominal fee. However, take into account that many Lviv residents know about this attraction - you should reserve a table in advance.

Where to look: st. Shevska, 8

5. SOWA coffee shop

Breakfasts are served in the "SOWA" cafe from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. However, if you wake up only in the afternoon, do not be upset. Here you can always eat something healthy and hearty: a bright salad with avocado, poached egg and basil mousse, or a waffle with egg or turkey, or a chicken breast marinated in Greek yogurt with vegetables. You will be offered mulled wine, coffee or lavender raffa to recharge your batteries in the morning.

Address: Lviv, Staroyevreyska Street, 40

The selection was prepared by the team of the Hospitality Service School "Horeca School" in Lviv.

We train and advise restaurants, bars, coffee shops so that they can better communicate with guests and improve performance indicators.

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Mykhailo Shevelyuk

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