IV International Conference "Modern trends in the development of the hospitality industry"

128 IV International Conference "Modern trends in the development of the hospitality industry"

IV International Conference "Modern trends in the development of the hospitality industry" at LSU FC named after Ivan Bobersky

Fruitful scientific cooperation of the Hospitality School - Horeca School with educational partners of the hospitality industry.

On October 12, 2023, the head of training laboratories of the cooking profile at the vocational training center of the HMD in Lviv, the head of the Hospitality School - Horeca School, the development manager of the Hotel "Schweitsarskyi", the restaurant "Valentino", Doctor of Philosophy, Mykhailo Shevelyuk, in continuation of the fruitful cooperation, joined the participation in the scientific event - the IV International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of the hospitality industry", which is traditionally organized by Maria Paska, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department of hotel and restaurant business of Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture.

More than 200 participants from different parts of Ukraine, Poland, England, Brazil took part in the conferences, who presented the results of scientific work from Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno Ekonomiczna w Gdańsku, Western Paraná State University, Brazil, University of Greenwich, London, England Polska, Firma szkoleniowo -doradcza "ILLUSTRO" Opole, Polska and more than 30 domestic institutions of higher education.

The materials will be posted on the University website (repository): https://repository.ldufk.eduhttps://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/.ua/ 

During the event, topics of scientific research that are extremely important in today's complex conditions were covered, revealing various directions in scientific and applied cases of the development of the field of hospitality. Conference participants shared their research and experience in the field of hospitality. They discussed the problems faced by hotels and restaurants, such as improving the quality of service, optimizing business processes, improving food safety, there were reports on modern trends and strategies for the development of the hotel and restaurant business; food and craft technology innovations for HORECA; development of the tourism sphere in the conditions of globalization; the state and prospects of the development of the economy and management of the hospitality industry; progressiveness in education; effective methods of teaching and learning. The conference was also a platform for sharing experiences and establishing new contacts between participants. Participants had the opportunity to talk with industry experts, ask questions and get advice on the development of their projects.

The School of Hospitality - Horeca School always participates in the discussion of current issues of the hospitality industry, exchange of experience, a master class, and later a tasting from the world-class chef Vitaliy Guralevich, networking with colleagues in order to jointly change the education of our country today, develop the field hospitality and implement foreign practices for this.

During the event, topics of scientific research that are extremely important in today's complex conditions were covered, revealing various directions in scientific and applied cases of the development of the field of hospitality. Conference participants shared their research and experience in the field of hospitality. They discussed the problems faced by hotels and restaurants, such as improving the quality of service, optimizing business processes, improving food safety, there were reports on modern trends and strategies for the development of the hotel and restaurant business; food and craft technology innovations for HORECA; development of the tourism sphere in the conditions of globalization; the state and prospects of the development of the economy and management of the hospitality industry; progressiveness in education; effective methods of teaching and learning. The conference was also a platform for sharing experiences and establishing new contacts between participants. Participants had the opportunity to talk with industry experts, ask questions and get advice on the development of their projects.

In general, the conference at Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture became an important event for the hospitality industry, where current scientific research and innovative solutions aimed at improving the quality of service and developing the hospitality industry as a whole were presented.

During the event, topics of scientific research that are extremely important in today's complex conditions were covered, revealing various directions in scientific and applied cases of the development of the field of hospitality. Conference participants shared their research and experience in the field of hospitality. They discussed the problems faced by hotels and restaurants, such as improving the quality of service, optimizing business processes, improving food safety, there were reports on modern trends and strategies for the development of the hotel and restaurant business; food and craft technology innovations for HORECA; development of the tourism sphere in the conditions of globalization; the state and prospects of the development of the economy and management of the hospitality industry; progressiveness in education; effective methods of teaching and learning. The conference was also a platform for sharing experiences and establishing new contacts between participants. Participants had the opportunity to talk with industry experts, ask questions and get advice on the development of their projects.

We are sincerely grateful to the professor, head of the hotel and restaurant department, Paska Maria Zinovievna, for the invitation to participate in the conference!


Mykhailo Shevelyuk

See also