A textbook for the educational and professional program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" of the second (master's) level of higher education. Co-author: Mykhailo Sheveliuk

18 A textbook for the educational and professional program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" of the second (master's) level of higher education. Co-author: Mykhailo Sheveliuk

The textbook examines the processes of organizing scientific research in the industry, highlights current issues of cross-cultural management, business ethics and HR management of hotels and restaurants. The textbook contains material on development and resource management, international standards and quality of service in hotel and restaurant establishments, reveals the direction of innovations and digital technologies in business process management of hotel and restaurant establishments; updates the issues of organizing the restaurant business.

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the educational and professional program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" of the second (master's) level of higher education, which is implemented at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". The material of the textbook is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the hotel and restaurant business who have the necessary general and special competencies, possess creative thinking and, based on a comprehensive combination of research, design and entrepreneurial activities, solve complex problems of an innovative nature in the field of hotel and restaurant business. The textbook was prepared by a team consisting of teachers of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" and a stakeholder of the department, head of the Hospitality School "Horeca School": Yakymenko-Tereshchenko N. V. (head of the team of authors), Dr. of Economics, Prof. (section 1); Zhadan T. A., Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Prof. (chapter 6); Karminska-Belobrova M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 9); Kunitsa K.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 10); Litvinenko M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 4); Nosyrev O.O., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 2); Sychova O.E., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 3); Strygul L.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 7); Chaika T.Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (chapter 8); Shevelyuk M.M., Head of the Hospitality School "Horeca School" (Lviv) (chapter 5). The textbook consists of ten chapters, which pay attention to various aspects of conducting hotel and restaurant business. The textbook is designed for higher education students majoring in "Hotel and Restaurant Business" of all forms of study, as well as a wide range of readers to familiarize themselves with the principles of the hotel and restaurant business.

Educational publication:


ZHADAN Tatyana Andriivna

KARMINSKA-BELOBROVA Marina Volodymyrivna

KUNYTSYA Kateryna Viktorivna

LITVYNENKO Maria Vladyslavivna

NOSYREV Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

SYCHOVA Olena Yevgenivna

STRYGUL Larisa Stanislavivna

CHAYKA Tatyana Yuriivna

SHEVELIUK Mykhailo Mykhailovych



Responsible for the publication of Prof. Yakymenko-Tereshchenko N. V.

The work was recommended for publication by Prof. Rayko D. V.

In the author's edition Plan 2024, pos. 45.


Publishing Center of NTU "KhPI". 61002, Kharkiv, Kyrpychova St., 2

Certificate of State Registration of the Publishing House No. 5478 dated 08/21/2017

Electronic edition


Mykhailo Sheveliuk

See also